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来源:本站原创  发布人:盛芸  发布时间:2021-05-31  浏览次数:

Unit 6 In the kitchen

Story time

剑湖实验学校  盛芸


1、 能听懂、会读、会说单词:breadmeatpotatotomatovegetablelook forlove

2、 能听懂、会读、会说Are you ing?及回答,初步感知了解现在进行时的一般疑问句句

3、 能正确的理解课文,朗读课文并表演课文,在教师指导下根据板书复述课文

4、 能初步运用本课所学词汇或句型交流


1、 能正确理解课文,朗读并表演课文,在教师指导下根据板书复述课文

2、 能初步运用本课所学词汇或句型交流


1、 多媒体课件,音频,视频

2、 人物头像,图片


Step 1 warming up

1. self introduction

T: Today, I’m your new English teacher. My name is a kind of fruit. Can you guess?


T: Yes, youre so clever. My name is Apple because I like eating apples. And I like cooking. I’m good at cooking meat with potatoes. (Teach: meat with potatoes板书)  I’m good at cooking noodles with eggs. fish soup  duck soup

 I also like watching films. Do you like watching films?

2. T: This is my favourite film.

 T: Is there a mouse in the kitchen?      

Ss: Yes, there is.

T: He is Remy. He wants to be a great cook. (Teach: a great cook)

T: What is Remy doing, ?

Ss:He is cooking tomato soup.(板书)

Step 2 presentation

1. Lets ask

T: Both Remy and I like cooking. They like cooking too. Look, who are they?

Ss: Liu Tao and his parents.

T: Can you ask more questions about the picture? (What time where what )


2. Listen and choose

T: You ask so many good questions. Here are two questions for you. Please listen carefully.

(1) What time is it?

(2) Where are they? (Present the title)

So boys and girls today we will learn Unit6 In the kitchen.

3. Read and complete

   T: We know LiuTao and his parents are in the kitchen. What are they doing in the kitchenRead paragraph 1 and 2, and underline the key words.

T: What is Mr Liu doing?

Ss: Mr Liu is

T: How do you know? Can you read the sentence?


T: What is Mrs Liu doing?

   How do you know? Can you read the sentence?

 What does she want to do?   Wash some vegetables (板书)


   T: What is Liu Tao doing?

     Why is he looking for the juice? Who can find the sentence.

look for some juice (板书)

4. Read and answer

T: Dinner is ready. How’s the dinner? Please read paragraph 3 quickly.

Step 3 Practice

1. Lets read

T: You did a good job. Now, lets read after the tape. Please pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. And pay attention to the accent.

2. Read and act

TNow boys and girls I think you can read the story. Lets read and act. Read together, you can get 1 star. Read in roles, you can get 2 stars. Act out the story, you can get 3 stars.(please work in four ,one is act narrator  ,the others act LiuTao and his parents )

3. Please turn to page 60 and finish the exercise .

4.We know Mum does so much for us.  We can give her a surprise!

So lets enjoy a story .a surprise for mumplease try to read the story .

The verb “be is followed by the verb “ing be动词后面加动词ing.

Step 4 consolidation

1. Nice story, isn’t it? Let’s make a surprise for our family too!

2. Make a surprise for our family

3. First lets review the words about some eating.

So we can use them to cook some nice food.

Now lets look at this dialogue.

4. T: Making a little surprise for your family is a good way to show your love.


Step 5 Homework

1. Read the story time and try to retell

2. Do some things for your family and try to talk about it.

Blackboard design:

Unit 6 In the kitchen

meat with potatoes         Mr Liu is cooking meat with potatoes .

a great cook               Mrs Liu is washing some vegetables.

tomato soup               Liu Tao is looking for some juice.

wash some vegetables

look for some juice