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五下 Unit 2 How do you come to school?(第一课时)

来源:本站原创  发布人:施可兰  发布时间:2023-02-28  浏览次数:

五下 Unit 2 How do you come to school?(第一课时)


本版块话题是谈论家庭地址和上学所用的交通方式。教师可以利用五年级上册Unit6 My e-friend中的人物Peter设计导入活动,引入话题或句型。在四年级上册Unit5 Our new home中,Su Hai 搬进了新家,教师也可以把搬家或新家这一话题作为新课的切入点,同时适当地和学生一起回顾有关房间和家居用品的词汇。


1. 知识目标:

能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词moon, street, near, city, by, bus, on foot, metro, taxi, bike, train, plane.

能听懂、会说和会读单词或短语far from, live near, sunshine.

能听懂、会说、并初步理解的句子Where do you live? I live ….  How do you come to school?I come to school …






Step 1 Warm-up

1.Free talk

T: Good morning, boys and girls. First, let's do a review.

 T: In Unitl, we learnt a story about a beautiful girl--Cinderella

 T: Yes, and the story is actually a fairy tales.Do you like reading tales?

T: What tales do you like?(PPT)

S: The Joumey to the West, Little Red Riding Hood.…

T: To me, I like Harry Potter. Do you know? It 's about a boy who can use magic.

T: Let me introduce him to you. His school is Hogwarts. And it’s a special magic school. Can you guess how does he come to school?

S:Walk/Fly/drive a car.….(PPT出示)

T: He comes to school by train(teach). And today we will talk about "How do you

come to school?"

Step 2 Presentation

1. Look and guess

T: How do they come to school? Please look at the picture and guess.

2. Watch and match

T: Are we right? Let’s watch the cartoon and match the pictures.

3. Look and think

T: Why do they come to school in different ways?

Ss: They live in different places.

4. Scan and find

T:Where do they live? Please look through the story quickly and circle the key words.

Teach: Moon Street, City Library

5. Look and think

T: Look, this is the City Library. Whose home is it?

S1: Su Hai’s home.

T: Good. You see there is a long way between the City Library and Su Hai’s home. So we can say Su Hai’s home is far from the school.

Teach: far from

T: Su Hai’s new home is far from school,but she still likes it,why?

T: Who can be Su Hai?(Ask Ss to act as Su Hai)

T: We have known much about Su Hai. What about the other students?Let’s talk about them one bye one.

●Yang Ling lives ________________ school.

●Mike lives _______________.

●Liu Tao lives ____________. 

Teach: Sunshine Town

T:Why does Liu Tao come to school by taxi?


6.Read and imitate

Step 3 Consolidation

1.Try to retell.

Su Hai lives _____ ______school, she lives______ _______ _________she comes to school______ _______.

Yang Ling lives_______school,  she comes to______ ______ ________ ________.

Mike lives______ _______ _______,  he comes to school _______ ________.

Liu Tao lives ________ _______ ________, he comes to school________ _________.

2. Look and find

T:Please look at the picture and find whose home is it.


3. Think and say

T:How do you come to school?Talk with your partners.

4. Let’s watch

T: There are many ways to come to school, but I think we can choose better ways to make our city green. Let’s enjoy a video.

So how can we make our city clean?


Great!We should use green commuting as possible as we can.

Step6 Homework

1.Read the story time fluently and talk about their ways to school.朗读课文,并尝试述。

2.Talk about your ways to school and share.交流自己去学校的方式