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Unit 4 Road safety (Period 3) Fun time,Sound time &cartoon time 板块口语教学的课例分析

来源:本站原创  发布人:盛芸  发布时间:2022-03-09  浏览次数:

Unit 4 Road safety (Period 3)

Fun timeSound time &cartoon time


剑湖实验学校   盛芸2022.3


1.Sound time

1. Try to know something about stress.

T: What is the most important rule on the road?

  Ss:Red man, stop. Green man, go.

  T: Who can read it for us?

  S1: Red man, stop. Green man, go.

  T: You read .more loudly. Why?

  S1: 突出重点/

  T: In English, we call this Stress. It has two functions.


   So, you need to read some words in a sentence more loudly.




2 .Cartoon time

T: These sentences are about an interesting story in cartoon time. Lets enjoy it.

1. Talk about Picture 1.

1) Show Picture 1 to the Ss. Let them try to ask some questions.

2) Read and answer the questions.

2. Talk about Picture 2.

1) Show Picture 2 to the Ss. Let them try to ask some questions.

2) Read and answer the questions.

3. Talk about Picture 3&4.

1) Read the story quickly and answer the question: How many times does the bus stop?

2) Watch the cartoon, and find out the reasons of stopping the bus.

The first time

  Ss: Because theres the red man, they must stop the bus.

  T: This is the most important rule on the road. When can they go?

  Ss: When they see the green man.

  T: Do you know more rules on the road?

  Ss: We must not play on the road./

  T: We must follow the rules on the road.

The second time

  T: Why do they stop the bus again? Is there a red man, too?

  Ss: No, some elephants are crossing the road. They must stop and wait.

  T: No, I see. This is another important rule on the road. Who can tell us?


T: Yes, we should give way to pedestrians.


3. Act it.

1) Act the story.
